Ages 3-4 & age 5 beginners
Saturdays 9am-10am
$108 (9wks)
(skip 8/31)
Ages 6-7 & age 5 experienced
Mondays 5:30-6:30pm
$108 (9wks) Skip Labor Day!
Saturdays 9-10am
$108 (9wks)
(skip 8/31)
*Special discount for 2x a week.
Ages 8-10
Thurs 5:30-6:30pm $125 (10wks)
Sat 10-11:30am Clinic & Matchplay
$170 (9wks)
(skip 8/31)
*Special discount for 2x per week.
Ages 11-14
(Level I & II Beginners & advanced 10 & Under)
Tues 4:15-5:15pm (at ATA Indoor) (10wks) $125
Thurs 5:30-7pm (Clinic & Match play) (10wks) $188
*Special discount for 2x per week.
Experienced Junior Players and JV high school players
(age 11-16)
Mondays 6-8pm
(clinic, match play, & high performance training)
$234 (9wks)
No clinic on Labor Day
Wednesdays 5:30-7:30pm
(clinic, match play, & high performance training)
$260 (10wks)
Both clinics: $465
Combined class with the Intermediate Adults
Wednesdays 5:30-7pm
$210-(10 wks)
For high school elite and varsity level players
**Beginner High Schoolers should start with the Green Ball Clinic or Start/ReStart Clinic (look under Adult programs)**JV Players - sign up for Aces Academy